Fashion Gets Sassy Oscar Event
“Come join us for a night of policing the Oscar fashions and your waistline while our resident fashion officer Sydney Chavez discusses the trends and the Fit Experts of Sassy Fit works you out for your own fab outfit for a night on the town!”
“Come join us for a night of policing the Oscar fashions and your waistline while our resident fashion officer Sydney Chavez discusses the trends and the Fit Experts of Sassy Fit works you out for your own fab outfit for a night on the town!”
Little Black Dress Events & Productions Presents:
Sydney Loves Fashion Writer – Sydney Chavez and Sassy Fit Trainer Kelly Singer
Sydney and Kelly come together to showcase styles and exercises to get you red carpet ready. Good food, a fun night out with friends, and be able to look and critique all the fabulous red carpet fashions, learn about fitness and just have a blast! All of this while helping to benefit the Dorothy Day House Charity.
February 22, 2009
5:00pm till 7:00 pm
535 Pontius Ave N., Seattle, WA 98109(206) 621-5440
Bring a new set of twin sheets or home item for the Dorothy Day House and you will be entered to win a fabulous fashion emergency kit from Sydney Loves Fashion, or two in-home personal training sessions from Sassy Fit. The Dorothy Day house provides homeless women a safe and supportive place to live, while helping them learn work and life skills. All women in Seattle deserve little luxuries, and our Oscar Event will help to make this happen.
(Please see http://www.sydneylovesfashion.com/ or http://www.getsassyfit.com/ for a complete list of items needed for donation.)
RS.V.P & Tickets:
Admission is $10.00 pp - Please R.S.V.P to fashiongetssassy.oscarevent@gmail.com
Little Black Dress Events & Productions